New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
Tension Release Technology™ (TRT) is our proprietary new form of stabilized potential energy which interacts and communicates with the anatomy and physiology of the body specifically the muscular system. TRT is our proprietary technology, and we are the only company who has this scientific knowledge and product line available. Our finished products require no power source or recharging. Through our highly specialized trade secret process our technology can bond to any textile or gel/cream on the molecular level achieving long term
viability to help support body function in muscular tension release and help improve overall body structure alignment.
The discovery process for this new type of energy focused on the quantum level of engagement with specific energy that interacted on a molecular level that produced the TRT energy field. This energy can now be placed into any type of textile through our proprietary scientific process.
Once infused into the textile it can be utilized as a timed energy release or infinite energy release with no significant decline in power.
Once the textile is introduced to a human or animal, the TRT interaction occurs within seconds of entering the body’s energy field. Our technology aids the body in immediately releasing and relaxing tight muscles allowing for improved body structure realignment. In our testing since 2016, on over 10,000+ people, the average initial interaction was a 70% improvement of the body’s skeletal structure which in turn lead to a decrease in muscular discomfort that was due to previous body structural issues.
It is important to realize that when the body structure is out of alignment the muscles are not being utilized properly. Once the body structure is improved it takes time for the muscles to relearn their proper functions. The body’s muscles can take roughly three to six months to
completely heal and utilize their new anatomically correct state.
There are multiple stretches and movements that can aid the body in this process. Please visit our Movements & Stretches page for more information.
Keep scrolling for a list of additional tested effects of the TRT™
- Increased ability to breath
o Raises the chest cavity to allow for the maximization of breathing
- Increases Circulation
o Releases tense muscles then gains more blood flow
- Decreases Muscular Discomfort
o Release muscles holding the skeletal structure out of place
- Decrease in Joint Discomfort
o Skeletal structure in alignment, less joint issues and Discomfort
- Decrease in inflammation
o General overall effect
- Better Sleep
o Better skeletal alignment and muscle release causes less discomfort, then better sleep
o Gives the effect of relaxation
o More REM and Deep Sleep
- Relieves Stress
o Less stress on the body allowing the body to function with less effort
- Improved Athletic Performance
o Higher rate of muscular engagement to perform at high levels
- Improved Strength
o More muscular engagement allows to improve strength at a higher rate over time
- Improved Endurance
o More blood flow to key areas of the body, more muscular engagement, and correct chest cavity structure
- Improved Flexibility
o Correct alignment allows for an immediate increase in musculoskeletal flexibility
- Higher Heat Rate Variability (HRV)
o Improves recovery rate, heart rate, and blood flow
- Improved agility
o Corrected alignment and balance
- Highly Increased Rates of Muscle Recovery
o Muscles start recovery while working out gaining the ability to push harder and longer. This is due to increased blood
flow, alignment, and the continued release of engaged muscles.
- Decreased Chance of Soft Tissue Injury
o Body alignment of hips, chest, spin, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrist, neck, the continued release of the
muscles, and continued recovery, has a 80%+ decrease in soft tissue injury during activities.
- Longevity of athletic career
o The body’s ability to increase performance in mostly all aspects, along with a decrease chance of injury has elongated
professional athlete careers into years past potential retirement.
- Increased Oxygenation of Blood
o Currently in testing for 2023
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Customer Service
9am - 3pm CST | Monday - Friday
Fredericksburg Store: (830)362-8708
151 E. Main Street | Fredericksburg, TX 78624
*Intelligent Threads will not treat, cure or heal anything. Nor do we claim it will treat, cure or heal anything.
(c) Copyright 2016-2024 Intelligent Threads, LLC All Rights Reserved.