You have questions. We have answers.

We are here to help you on your Intelligent Threads journey to improved body health.

  • Can I wash my Intelligent Threads products?

    Yes, in our extensive testing since 2016, regular washing and usage has done nothing to alter the effectiveness of our products. 

    Follow the individual washing instructions on each product to maintain the integrity of the fabric and increase the lifetime of your product.  The embedded technology cannot be washed out. It is there for the life of the product. 

  • Does this work for everyone?

    100% of our 20,000+ people and animals have shown a release of the engaged muscles within the body and the improvement of body alignment.


    Please note, after the release of the engaged muscles, each person (and pet) will experience further individual results depending on their body structure & chemistry, previous injuries & scar tissue, or other metabolic and biological factors. Our TRT is not a “magic bullet” that will cure all your problems.  It will however release and relax your engaged muscles which can then lead to the following benefits…


    Benefits of our TRT include: Decreased Muscular Discomfort, Improved Posture & Alignment, Faster Recovery Time, Increased Circulation, Improved Endurance, Enhanced Flexibility, Maximized Sleep, and more available here on our site

  • Will this take away my pain & discomfort?

    While 100% of the 20,000+ people and animals that use our Tension Release Technology have seen their engaged muscles release and relax, some people will experience further benefits like reduction in pain and discomfort if it was associated with structural issues within the body.  


    We know that when the engaged muscles are relaxed and you then follow our Movements & Stretches that there is significant benefit to the overall body structure and alignment that can help in easing any pain that was caused by structural issues. 


    Please also see question: Does this work for everyone?

  • How long does it last?

    • The Intelligent Tape - Patch lasts 7 days.
    • The Intelligent Topicals Tension Release Gel lasts 6-10 hours per application. Jars can last 3-6 months depending on usage.
    • All other products, to this point of 8+ years of testing and 100's of washes, lasts as long as the product itself.
    • The technology does not fade away or lose power.
  • How do I use my coupon code?

    On the Cart Check Out page you will see this text on the left hand side:


    Have a promo coupon or gift card? Redeem your code


    Click "Redeem your code" and enter your code in the blank that says "Enter your coupon code" and click apply. 


    If the code is valid and active, it will apply the discount or free shipping to your order.  If the code is not valid or active (expired) it will show "Code is not valid".

    We cannot honor expired coupon codes. 

  • What if I don’t feel anything?

    We highly recommend the Pain Relief Test before you try on your new gear.  It's a simple test you perform to see where your tight muscle groups are so you can see the immediate releasing and relaxing of your muscles after you put on your new gear.  It's quite amazing to experience!

    Our product is not going to shock you or sting you. You may not be able to feel anything at first.  But if you have done the Pain Relief Test, you should see a difference in your muscle groups that were tight beforehand. Learn More Here

    If  you do not notice any difference right away, we recommend you wear it for a few days then take it off, you should notice a big difference.  Please also read through our Movements & Stretches page that helps your body realign properly after wearing our gear.  We also have a 30 day money back guarentee so don't hesitate to try us out! 

  • I put it on and my muscles spasmed

    Yes, this can happen because the product is relaxing your engaged muscles and they are now being activated for probably the first time in a while.

    Give it some time and it will stop. Utilize our daily movements & stretches and your body will self-correct.

  • I’m an Athlete, Singer, Actor - I use my body to the extreme and I don’t want to be “relaxed” during a performance or event

    • It does release and relax your muscles but in a way to fully activate your complete muscular and skeletal system
    • All of our athletes utilize our products during events to be able to maximize performance and decrease the chance of injury
    • Injury rates dropped over 80% during entire seasons while utilizing Intelligent Threads - see our testing data page
    • Athletes have also seen an increase in their ability to compete at the highest levels for longer - watch our testimonials for more details
  • What is it? Is this real? Is there science behind it?

    Yes, this is real! Yes, there is science behind it.  

    We are the world's most advanced wearable technology able to release and relax muscles with no wires, straps, or external power sources. Our proprietary technology embedded in the material communicates directly to your muscular system helping to release engaged muscles in your body and thus allowing for improved overall body structure alignment.

    We completely understand the skepticism. It is hard to wrap your head around new science and technology without experiencing it in person for yourself.   Please read through our Science Behind page for more details.

    We believe we can help the world feel better and add years to quality life!

    We offer a 30 day return policy.

  • What if it doesn’t work on me?

    • To this point in our testing, it has worked on everyone, but remember it is not a silver bullet to fix everything wrong with your body
    • It will help your body in multiple ways, but if you need surgery, you need surgery
    • We highly recommend performing our Pain Relief Test to show the muscle groups that are affected by wearing your new Intelligent Threads gear, as well as the movement & stretches that will allow your body to come back into proper alignment after wearing your new gear. 
    • Our long-term testing shows, the average initial interaction was a 70% improvement of the body’s skeletal structure which in turn lead to a decrease in muscular discomfort that was due to previous body structural issues.
    • Our products will not fix everything!  
    • Please note: Intelligent Threads will not treat, cure or heal anything. Nor do we claim it will treat, cure or heal anything. 
  • What if I try it and don’t like it?

    We have a 30 day return policy.

  • Will it make me a better athlete?

    It will assist you in maximizing your individual potential, workout harder, and recover faster.

    View our testimonials.

  • What have you learned through testing?

    • It helps the body in a tremendous ways
    • We were surprised with all the additional benefits we continue to learn with testing: endurance | strength | sleep | flexibility | agility | HRV | recovery | See more here
    • The more surface area you cover the faster of a recovery rate on average
    • We have something special that can truly help people, and that’s our mission! Our team is devoted to improving the day-to-day life of the individual through preventative and recovery care based on structural improvement of the body.
  • What products should I choose?

    It can be hard to know which product might be the right fit for you.  Although our products all have the same effect (releasing & relaxing tight muscles) we still find people have different needs and lifestyles so the product choices are very important. We have something for everyone! Please view our currated collection for ideas.

  • Why does having relaxed muscles matter?

    Over time using your body in various ways either as an athlete or just everyday life your muscles starts to tighten and pull on your body. 

    We developed a product that will make those muscles release from pulling and keep them relaxed! 

    Another benefit is helping your soreness to be minimal after a workout. If you are an avid gym goer you know once you finish a workout your muscles are tight and sore. With our product you can now leave the gym with relaxed muscles and a shorten recovery time.

  • How does this benefit the sports athlete?

    From peewee to the pros, athletes are constantly looking for ways to better their game and perform at the higher level. Every athlete knows stretching and warming up your muscles is vital to prevent injuries and perform better. What we have noticed even after athletes “warm up” some of their muscles are still tight and their body is not aligned as a result. 

    When muscles are pulling on your bones it's easy to see why you are not aligned. Your hips, ribs and other parts out of alignment will limit your ability to perform at your peak. With Intelligent Threads, it allows your muscles to relax so that you can get closer to alignment and able to be more flexible. Now your body has the ability to perform at its peak without limitations. Jump higher, move quicker and increase your skills by simply putting on a shirt. This will also help limit future injuries from over compensation from past injuries or muscle tightness. What are you waiting for? Get your body the edge you have been looking for!

  • What if I'm not an athlete and don't play sports? Is this still for me?

    Intelligent Threads is for you too! 

    There are many things that contribute to muscle tightness and soreness. Falling, sleeping on your bed wrong, sitting in a office chair for hours, carrying children around, and many other ways can contribute to body alignment issues and muscle soreness. We use our bodies for everything and most people don’t realize their bodies are not aligned. We walk around with soreness and discomfort due to tightness. A lot of times if you are feeling pain in an area it most likely is caused by something else in your body. The area of pain is because it's over compensating for the area that is injured. With Intelligent Threads, we relax your muscles and restore blood flow to help your body work to heal itself.

    Your posture at the desk will become better because you don’t have muscles pulling on your bones. Bad posture can result in your organs getting compressed and can limit their ability to function 100%. Imagine how Intelligent Threads can help your body restore back to the way it was designed to. 

    We invest so much on things that mask issues with our body. Its time to invest in your bodies health, well being and things that actually work. Go ahead, buy it, you deserve it!

  • Will this shirt help me at the gym?

    Recovery, recovery and recovery! These words have been shouted out in every gym and advertisement in the gym industry. Most gym goers take supplements to help them recover faster or be able to do more sets in the gym. There are great products that will help achieve this but they have limitations. With Intelligent Threads you can increase the results you are looking for of doing more sets, decreasing soreness and reversing faster. 

    It is able to do this because it helps restore blood flow to your muscles. You’ve heard this song, “I have to do upper body today because my legs are so sore from yesterdays workout!” With Intelligent Threads you won’t have to sing that tune anymore. 

    Watch these videos and see how Intelligent Threads helped Chad Griffin and Russell Ogg recover faster and decrease soreness! Your body needs it.

  • How does it help me in my yoga class?

    Flexibility, healing and exercise is often the reason why people attend a yoga class. With Intelligent Threads it compliments yoga goers by relaxing their muscles to be able to hold and achieve those poses. 

    By allowing your muscles to release, imagine what yoga pose you can now perform better at your next yoga class! Yoga has been known to help people heal their bodies. By restoring blood flow to your muscles, Intelligent Threads will help with the combined effort of yoga to support your body's natural healing process.

  • How would this help my performance in MMA?

    Fighting as a pro fighter or just doing MMA recreationally, you know how sore you can get after a good fight or class. With Intelligent Threads it will help you with the soreness and recover you body faster to be able to get back in the gym training again. 

    Because it helps align the body you are more flexible to do that BJJ move or that high round house kick better. If anyone knows more, MMA fighters and students need their body performing 100%. With Intelligent Threads you can now have the ability to have the edge on your opponent or where you need it most, in a civil unrest situation.

  • Why is restoring blood flow to your muscles important?

    Intelligent Threads will help your muscle relax, keep the soreness down and help establish blood flow to your muscles. 

    Though we do not claim this product can heal you*, restoring blood flow to muscles helps with the natural healing process your body goes through. Blood flow is an important component to healing. If we can help with this then your body knows what to do next. 

    *Intelligent Threads will not treat, cure or heal anything. Nor do we claim it will treat, cure or heal anything.

  • How often should I wear my products?

    Wear as much as you can when you first get it for the first few months, then see how you feel. 

    When you find yourself in consistent stress or recovery need, add our technology to your routine. Once your body is completely back to a normal anatomical state and holding then you can use when needed. 

  • How long will the tension release in my muscles last? Does it only last while the product is on?

    After about 30 minutes your body should maintain the tension release, however, everyone is different. It should hold for a period of time. You don’t always have to be utilizing the technology.  

    Also see: "How often should I wear my products?"

  • What might cause my tight muscles to come back? How can I avoid that?

    Basically anything that causes stress: working out, sitting for longs periods of time, driving, on your phone all day, lifting your kiddos, etc. It’s hard to avoid but a good exercise routine, good sleep, and diet can help. Make sure you also utilize our daily stretches to help maintain body alignment and optimal function. 

  • Will it work through other clothing if it’s not directly in contact with my skin? What is the proximity to your body that is needed?

    Yes it will work through any fabric and has about an inch depth of field. 

    For example, if you are using one of our weighted blankets on top of your normal sheets, it will still have the same effect as if it was in direct contact with your skin. 

  • Should I wear my product all day long? Once a day? Only when I sleep? Only when I workout?

    As much as possible. It was originally made for elite athletes, so working out with it is tremendous. However, at a minimum we recommend at least 30 minutes per day for best results. 

  • Do I just put this on when my muscles are feeling tight?

    Sometimes you might not even notice when you are stressed. Wear our products as much as you can when you first get the technology. Then 30 minutes per day is great for maintenance after that. 

  • Can this stop active muscle cramps (ie. a Charlie horse)?

    While not specifically studied, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can stop active muscle cramps immediately when it makes contact with the body.  If this is a structural issue, our technology will assist. 

    Listen to Russell's experience (2:20 mark) with our technology and a charlie horse he had in his back the previous day. 

  • Do I wear this preemptively to avoid tight muscles?

    Yes, it will also help you recover from heavy workouts.  Wear during and after workouts. This is why it is great to have multiple Intelligent Threads products for the different stages of your day. Shop Now. 

  • Why is your shipping price higher than other online retailers?

    Our goal is to ensure customers receive the best shipping service and experience when purchasing our highly specialized products online.

    Our shipping pricing and services support:

    1. On-Time Delivery: Paying for premium shipping means customers can rely on the product arriving when expected, avoiding delays that could disrupt their plans or business operations.


    2. Safety of Our Proprietary Technology & High-Value Items: Specialized handling by a trusted carrier like FedEx ensures that sensitive, high-tech products are transported with care, reducing the risk of damage or loss during transit.

    3. Insurance and Protection: Shipping costs often include comprehensive insurance coverage, ensuring that if anything goes wrong during transit, customers are protected and can quickly receive a replacement or refund without hassle.

Have any more questions? We are happy to answer!

We want to help however we can.  Let us know if you have any more questions about our Intelligent Threads products.

Contact Us Now
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