Our individual journeys with the Intelligent Threads products

Jamie Haddock • February 23, 2023

Follow along as we journey through our different paths with Intelligent Threads and how different lifestyles lend to different product selections.


For your kids: Young kiddos have the advantage of having the foundation of good body structure and alignment for all their years ahead.  Our slightly older kids can enjoy the natural sleep support that Intelligent Threads provides with releasing and relaxing tired muscles from the day and allowing for blood flow and oxygenation and a sense of calmness to sooth tired kiddos at night.  Our older kids can benefit from the reduction of sports injuries, soft tissue damage and general muscle soreness that comes with middle school and high school athletics.  We can set our children up for long term structural body health!

For you: We do it all, we really do.  There is no time to be sick, or tired, or struggling.  With our Intelligent Threads always at hand we keep our bodies going all day long as we take care of ourselves and all those around us.


We want to make sure you are at the absolutely best you can physically be, for as long as you can be!

Weekend Warriors

Whether it's martial arts, flag football, club soccer, CrossFit or more - we want to make sure our weekend warriors work hard and play hard, but are able to transitioning smoothly back into family life with significantly reduced recovery time.  The weekends are short, they should be filled with fun and family, not fun followed by falling apart.


This is definitely the one thing you need to set your body up for success.   You want your body to perform optimally, the way it always should have?  Keep your Intelligent Threads apparel, gel or sleep items in your daily routine and watch the amazing benefits that come from having the world's most advanced wearable technology communicate directly to your muscular system helping to release engaged muscles in your body and thus allowing for improved overall body structure alignment. The health benefits are endless. This is the game-changer.

Naturopaths & Clinicians

No drugs. No wires. No straps. No power source. Intelligent Threads, powered by our Tension Release Technology ™ aids the body in immediately releasing and relaxing tight muscles allowing for improved body structure realignment. In our seven plus years of testing on over 7,000 people, the average initial interaction was a 70% improvement of the body’s skeletal structure which in turn lead to a decrease in muscular discomfort that was due to previous body structural issues.  Everyone can benefit from this technology.

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